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14px", "eyebrowSize" : "Default - 16px", "spacing" : "16", "textPosition" : "Center", "descCol" : "1 Column", "heading" : "<h2>為什麼不使用範圍擴展器?</h2>", "vertAlign" : "Top", "textAlign" : "Left", "headingStyle" : "Heading 4", "theme" : "Dark Text", "desc" : "<p>將範圍擴展器與全屋 WiFi 進行比較就像將蘋果與橙子進行比較。範圍擴展器在增大路由器的覆蓋範圍方面肯定是有效的,但這樣是以犧牲 WiFi 性能為代價, WiFi 性能會減半。</p><p><br></p><p>在 WiFi 難以到達每個角落的較大空間中,範圍擴展器實際上會降低網路的整體性能,藉此產生瓶頸效應。從路由器跳轉到擴展器時,因為需要手動切換網路,您可能還會遇到連接問題。例如,即使站在範圍擴展器旁邊,如果您沒有手動更改裝置的路由器訊號,您仍可能會遇到死區或減速。這兩個獨立的網路亦有不同名稱和接口,這可能是一個嚴重的麻煩。</p>" }, "regions" : [ { "id" : "textBoxBtns" } ] }, { "id" : "16c44c94b70f554c7c02007d1e", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.spacer", "data" : { "spacerSizeMobile" : "32", "spacerSize" : "32" } }, { "id" : "441e906c5e4d6c3067b8330eb1", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.photoTile", "data" : { "image" : { "path" : "/images/Articles/whole-home-mesh-wifi/not-all-mesh-created-equal.jpg", "focal_point" : { "x" : 0.32, "y" : 0.65 }, "meta_data" : { "height" : 574, "width" : 1000 } }, "photoAlign" : "Center", "alt" : "展示網狀系統質量差異圖形的圖像。 " } }, { "id" : "19fe688324f1a025570bb09cd0", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.spacer", "data" : { "spacerSizeMobile" : "32", "spacerSize" : "32" } }, { "id" : "ddf5010180448d19abf9d8b6e4", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.editorialRichText", "data" : { "descSize" : "Small - 14px", "eyebrowSize" : "Default - 16px", "spacing" : "16", "textPosition" : "Center", "descCol" : "1 Column", "heading" : "<h2>並非所有 Mesh WiFi 系統都是相同的</h2>", "vertAlign" : "Top", "textAlign" : "Left", "headingStyle" : "Heading 4", "theme" : "Dark Text", "desc" : "<p>所有網狀系統均略有不同,因此檢查每個品牌使用的技術非常重要。例如,某些三頻系統比其他系統更好,而某些雙頻系統有頻寬限制。仔細查看所提供的技術,確保您的全屋 WiFi 投射出有效、高效的訊號,透過 WiFi 連接覆蓋您家的每個角落。</p>" }, "regions" : [ { "id" : "textBoxBtns" } ] }, { "id" : "03cd07fde042271db70395164d", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.spacer", "data" : { "spacerSizeMobile" : "32", "spacerSize" : "32" } }, { "id" : "0eb20b8723bd7a4097ab9f39a1", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.editorialRichText", "data" : { "descSize" : "Small - 14px", "eyebrowSize" : "Default - 16px", "spacing" : "16", "textPosition" : "Center", "descCol" : "1 Column", "heading" : "<h2>參考資料</h2>", "vertAlign" : "Top", "textAlign" : "Left", "headingStyle" : "Heading 4", "theme" : "Dark Text", "desc" : "<ol><li>John R. Delaney,&nbsp;<a href=\"https://www.pcmag.com/picks/the-best-wi-fi-mesh-network-systems\" target=\"_self\" data-link-type=\"external\" data-link-label=\"https://www.pcmag.com/picks/the-best-wi-fi-mesh-network-systems\">「2018 年最佳 WiFi Mesh 網路系統」</a>,PCMag - Ziff Davis,2018 年 7 月 24 日</li>。<li>Sarah Brown,&nbsp;<a href=\"https://www.tomsguide.com/us/what-is-mesh-wifi-router,news-24580.html\" target=\"_self\" data-link-type=\"external\" data-link-label=\"https://www.tomsguide.com/us/what-is-mesh-wifi-router,news-24580.html\">「什麼是 Mesh WiFi 路由器,您需要嗎?」</a>Tom’s Guide,2017 年 3 月 5 日</li>。<li>Bradley Mitchell,&nbsp;<a href=\"https://www.lifewire.com/guest-network-for-home-tutorial-818204\" target=\"_self\" data-link-type=\"external\" data-link-label=\"https://www.lifewire.com/guest-network-for-home-tutorial-818204\">「如何設定和使用賓客 WiFi 網路」</a>,Lifewire,2018 年 3 月 26 日</li>。</ol>" }, "regions" : [ { "id" : "textBoxBtns" } ] }, { "id" : "aabe9aa63127b829491aa44597", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.spacer", "data" : { "spacerSizeMobile" : "32", "spacerSize" : "32" } } ] }, { "id" : "column2", "components" : [ { "id" : "bae4d59a570d5a1f13f69efe01", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.shopStory", "data" : { "navHeadline" : "相關產品", "bgColor" : "Transparent", "swipeMobile" : false, "theme" : "Dark Text", "useCustomBgColor" : false }, "regions" : [ { "id" : "column1", "components" : [ { "id" : "efe40f323a0216238993d02c0f", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.productTile", "data" : { "product" : "WHW0302", "displayRatings" : false, "displaySwatches" : false } }, { "id" : "2ff0e869d66c7aa492c551420f", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.productTile", "data" : { "product" : "WHW0303", "displayRatings" : false, "displaySwatches" : false } }, { "id" : "2b64ffb2f41aa873930427220b", "type_id" : "commerce_assets.productTile", "data" : { "product" : "WHW0301", "displayRatings" : false, "displaySwatches" : false } } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }







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