Problems with connecting to the WiFi on my wired network's child node

Scenario: I have a wired network where the parent and child nodes are wired to a managed switch. Why can’t I connect to the child node’s WiFi?

See the workarounds below if either one will work:

Workaround 1: When the node is set up with a managed switch as pictured below, your devices will not be able to connect to the child node’s WiFi unless the managed switch is configured to forward and allow VLAN 3 and VLAN 4 traffic on all ports connecting to a node. These two VLANs are needed for the WiFi setup to function. You must configure VLAN on a Linksys Managed Switch
or a Linksys Smart Switch. No configuration is needed for unmanaged switches.


Workaround 2: When the node is set up with a managed switch as pictured above, turn OFF HomeKit Integration from the Linksys app and power cycle all child nodes. As a trade-off, you cannot link the node to the Apple® Home app. For complete instructions, follow the steps below:

Log in to the Linksys app.

2. Tap the menu icon at the upper-left corner of the screen and then tap Network Administration.


3. Turn OFF the HomeKit Integration button.

You can now power cycle all your child nodes.

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