Changing the name of a connected device using the Linksys app

The Devices section displays a list of your connected and offline clients. You will be able to identify the devices, check how many are connected, verify the WiFi settings, and connect Wi-Fi Protected Setupâ„¢ (WPS)-compatible devices to the network.

This section also allows you to edit the name of the devices connected to the WiFi. The steps below will guide you on how to do this.



1. Launch the Linksys app and
log in to your Linksys cloud account.

2. On the Dashboard, tap the menu icon across the top-left side of the screen.

3. Tap Devices.


4. Under Connected Devices, select a device to view its details.

Devices that were previously connected but are currently not in the Offline Devices section are found at the bottom of the page.


When you see duplicate names on the Devices, check if the device name appears in the Offline Devices section. Tap Edit and delete the device with the duplicate names. You should now have one device in the online section. This may be due to devices having randomized MAC addresses turned ON by default. You also have the option to turn OFF this feature on your client device.

5. To update the client's name, tap on the current device name, enter a new name, and then tap Save.


To edit another device, repeat the procedure starting from step 4.

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