How to navigate through the Linksys app

The Linksys app allows you to access your Linksys cloud account using your mobile device and gives you the option to make changes to your network settings the way you do from a regular web browser.  
You can install the Linksys app on your
Androidâ„¢ or iOS mobile device.

Logging into the Linksys app
Dashboard screen
Accessing the menu options


Logging into the Linksys app
Note that steps and images may vary depending on the firmware version of the Linksys app and the operating system of your mobile device.

When you open the Linksys app, tap Manage Your Wi-Fi for iOS or Log in for Android. You will be prompted to enter your login information.

You can also tap on Router Password or Use Router Password and enter the required information to log in locally.

Dashboard screen

The dashboard is the landing page of the Linksys app. It displays the connection status of the network, the number of connected devices, and other network settings.

Settings may vary depending on the model of your Linksys router.
Accessing the menu options
Tap the menu icon on the upper left of the dashboard to view the features available in the app.
The WiFi name will appear at the bottom for Android devices and on top for iOS devices.

Below are the available options:

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